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Millbrook Classifieds

Toronto Math Tutor: Gr. 1-12 Advanced Functions, Calculus, Data Management, Science & Math Tutors

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The University Tutoring Union offers in-home or group
classes for teaching and tutoring from SK to Grade 12
Mathematics, Advanced Functions, Calculus and Vectors, Data Management, English, French, TOFEL preparation, Science, Chemistry, Biology, Economics, Accounting and Business related subjects. We provide
enrichment classes for students who wish to excel in school.
We also provide extensive preparation classes for students
who are entering universities and colleges. In addition, we
also tailor tutoring lessons for college and university
students in the areas of essay writing, mathematics,
business and science related subjects. Our instructors are
highly qualified and very experienced in the subjects that
they are teaching. Our center is located at Warden and Highway 7.

Call Now at: 647-855-8388 or e-mail at ututoringunion***
to inquire about the details of the
courses and help your children to succeed in school!
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Ad Info

ID: 4108
Posted on: 2012-07-16 15:03:36
Link (shortened): http://millbrook.miniads.ca/4108
Address: Toronto, Richmond Hill, Markham, Vaughan, Scarborough [See Google Map Directions]
Phone: 647-855-8388

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